8 Self-Care Tips for the Busy Working Mom

Momma’s need to Relax, Recharge, and Rejuvenate too!

So let's start off by stating the obvious…you are a badass! You are a hardworking individual who has a job outside the home and you’re a mom, which let’s be honest, is a full time job by itself. Taking care of tiny humans is hard work! From the diaper changes, multiple night time feedings to the basketball and ballet practices, to laundry and dinnertime… moms do it all.

In all that awesomeness that is being a mother, we often forget about taking care of ourselves. As a full time OBGYN and mom to two kids under two, I am definitely guilty of forgetting about one of the most important people in my life… ME! I am working on ways to focus on myself in the short moments that I have along with creating more opportunities for me to take care of myself, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and sexually (because who wouldn’t want that!). Here are some tips that I not only share with my patients but that I also do myself!

  1. Ask for help…and then use it! As a mom, there are so many things that I like doing with and for my kids. I love putting my kids to sleep at the end of the day because that quiet moment with them is everything. BUT we don’t have super powers (at least not the good kind!). And we can’t do everything every day. Ask for help and use it. Your family and friends are there to support you, let them.

  2. Take a long shower or bath, preferably, when your kids are asleep or are gone. We often take for granted this short time we spend bathing BUT when you are a mom, it can be one of the few times you are actually alone so indulge in every minute of it and make it as long and relaxing as you can.

  3. Masturbate - yep, I said it! Masturbate! Masturbation can relieve stress and muscle tension and can be very relaxing. It doesn’t have to take long either. With the right equipment, 5 minutes could really change your mood! Check out this post for some of my favorite toys.

  4. Take the long way home. Working moms often use childcare of some sort to help care for their children while they are at work. Another opportunity that we get to be alone ison our car rides home from work or to pick up our children… so take the long way! Take the few extra minutes to decompress, listen to music or your favorite book, stop for a snack or coffee. That extra few minutes of time just for you can make all the difference.

  5. Take yourself on a coffee date. People who know me personally, know that I am a coffee addict. Some would describe me as a Starbucks snob! One thing I do often is a coffee date for one. I generally walk or drive to Starbucks (depending on my location) ALONE! I enjoy the trip there, ordering my usual cup, and then savoring the flavors on my way home. Sometimes if I have an opportunity, I will sit down and people watch quietly.

  6. Go to the gym. It's no secret that working out is good for you physically but it can also be good for you mentally and emotionally. Taking time out to hit the gym can be considered self care that benefits you in more ways than one.

  7. Go out with friends. I don’t think there is anything better than time with close friends especially if the time is spent enjoying a good meal. Reconnecting with yourself as an individual is often easier when you have friends to remind you about life prior to kids. You were amazing before kids and are just as amazing after!

  8. Stay overnight in a hotel, ALONE! If you have the resources and help to pull this off for one night or even a weekend, do it! Having a full day and/or night to yourself with no distractions can really recharge your batteries. Plan some spa activities, a nice solo dinner, read that book you’ve been meaning to or watch a movie and order in. Whatever is the most relaxing for you!

Looking for more tips? Follow me on Instagram!


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